Building a Better Future
From the Impact Desk

Practical Steps To Becoming A High Flyer In The Future Of Work

Practical Steps To Becoming A High Flyer In The Future Of Work


Steve Harris, fondly called “Mr. Ruthless Execution” is privileged to be a trusted authority in the fields of Life & Business Strategy, a highly sought after Management Consultant and Chief Executive Officer of EdgeEcution, Motivational Speaker & Author Steve helps high performance individuals and institutions bridge the gap between their performance and potential.

Listed among the ‘World’s Top 100 Business Coaches To Follow On Twitter Featured on The Economist, Slate Magazine & other news, print and digital media. In June 2019 featured on Forbes Africa. He is a certified member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), a member of the Life Coaches Association of Nigeria (LCAN), the American Association of Small Business Consultants, Texas, USA and the International Certified Consultants Association, Canada.


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