On the outskirts of the bustling city of Harare, Zimbabwe lies the Chimingo squatter’s camp, where many children find themselves in desperate need of food, shelter, and other basic needs of life. It’s in this region that Impact Space answered the call for help from a Pastor whose vision to protect these children is in jeopardy from lack of resources, constant intimidation and break-ins from area gangs.
Fueled by passion and compassion, Impact Space mobilized volunteers in Harare to bring food, clothing, other basic necessities, and much needed hope to the children.
Despite the comprehensive planning and preparation, nothing could prepare the Impact Space volunteers for the sight they beheld when they reached the YATT orphanage.
The orphanage paints a picture of orphan children living in abject poverty. There is high demand for clean water to generate lasting well-being and sustained growth in children. The impact of Covid-19 on food items is felt in the entire community and the situation is not different in YATT orphanage.
But above all, our presence made them feel loved and a sense of acceptance, undoubtedly the most fundamental gifts in their lives. Their innocence and angelic voices, not only charmed our hearts but also lightened up our days. In our small ways, we can always express our love to them, so they feel it, hence improving their well-being.
Much can be done to assure them of safety, by not exposing them to some community members who have a history of drug abuse and alcoholism. At least a perimeter wall can do. As it stands now, anything can find its way inside the camp, including the world animals.
“We were always on the look-out ”.
While considering what the downstream health and well-being effect of altering life satisfaction might be for the orphaned children, our volunteers offered themselves and sacrificially took time from their tasks to distribute food items and cloth. But again, there was one problem. It was too little.
“Providing children food items, water, and cloth was fulfilling,” Christer (Junior Impact Space)
These young children are disconnected from society, and our act of kindness can give them hope, and assure them of a bright future. Still, there is a need for more provision of food, cloth, free education, healthcare, psychosocial counseling services, and shelter.