Join Us in Making a Difference

How to Help

We Appreciate Your Support

Your Support is Powerful

At Impact Space, we believe in the power of community and collaboration to drive change. Whether you’re an individual, a company, or another organization, there are numerous ways to get involved and support our mission.


Helping FAQs

What are the different ways I can help Impact Space?

You can support Impact Space through donations, sponsorship, volunteering, and partnerships. Each type of support plays a crucial role in our mission to empower underserved communities. Whether you contribute financially, lend your expertise, or partner with us, you’re helping to make a significant impact.

How do my donations make a difference?

Your donations are directly used to fund our various programs like EmpowerED, RAYSE, and Dollaremy, which aim to educate, empower, and uplift communities. They support operational costs, educational materials, and the direct implementation of our initiatives, ensuring that every dollar contributes to sustainable change.

Are sponsorships tax-deductible?

Yes, as a registered non-profit organization, all sponsorships to Impact Space are tax-deductible in most jurisdictions. We recommend consulting with a tax professional for advice specific to your location.

What do I get as a sponsor?

Sponsors receive a range of benefits depending on their level of support, including logo placement, social media shoutouts, opportunities to include branded items in care packages, and more. Higher-level sponsors might receive additional benefits like speaking opportunities at events and featured articles on our website.

Can I volunteer remotely, and what are the requirements?

Yes, there are opportunities to volunteer remotely, especially in roles that require digital skills, content creation, or program planning. Requirements vary by role, but generally, a commitment to our mission and reliability in completing tasks are essential. Visit our Volunteer Opportunities section to see current openings.

How can my company or organization partner with Impact Space?

We welcome partnerships in various fields, including education, health, renewable energy, and technology. Partnering with us can range from financial support to collaborative projects that align with our mission. To discuss potential partnerships, please contact us directly so we can tailor a collaboration that suits both parties’ goals.


Become a ChangeMaker!


Take an opportunity to transform lives and communities.
