Building a Better Future

News, Ideas & Inspiration for Positive Change

Impact Space Impact – Ernest Azu

Impact Space Impact – Ernest Azu

Impact Space can simply be described as a God sent organization! I joined Impact Space during the hit of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, where people especially in Africa ( especially in Nigeria where I live) where panicking and in dire need of their daily survival because of the incessant lockdown. Impact Space...

Impact Space Impact – Nnanke Ofem

Impact Space Impact – Nnanke Ofem

Less than a year ago, I got introduced to Impact Space community by a friend; my life and that of my community have been greatly impacted. Thanks to Impact Space, I was able to contribute my own quota of house rent with ease during the Covid-19 pandemic, as a result of the giveaway which took...

Impact Space Impact – Saviour’s Story

Impact Space Impact – Saviour’s Story

Impact Space has touched my life and contributed positively to my spiritual and physical well being and that of my family’s. I was depressed, frustrated, discouraged, lost my business and my job to the pandemic, weighed down, but God restored my hope through Impact Space Christian Organization – they gave me hope through the encouragement...

Impact Space Impact- Juliet’s Story

Impact Space Impact- Juliet’s Story

Impact Space has impacted my life socially, spiritually, and financially for the better. I have been blessed with edifying messages, blog and eLearning courses which have grown my scope of knowledge in all spheres. I’ve been a member for a year now and it’s been about sharing, connecting, networking and physical demonstration of love. During...