Building a Better Future

News, Ideas & Inspiration for Positive Change


Impact Africa Podcast Episode #6

Hello Again! Welcome to another episode of the Impact Africa Podcast on Impact Space Radio & Podcast. In this episode Joseph Etim, an ingenious young African, speaks on how young people can break through perceived limitations and gives a roadmap to success in the digital economy. MEET OUR GUEST Joseph, a brand and media consultant,...

Impact Africa Podcast Episode#5

The world is advancing towards the 4IR and it’s time to prepare Africa’s young people to advance towards and become relevant in the future of work. In this episode of Impact Africa, Village2nation CEO, Cindy Adem, share mind blowing ways to get African youth started on it Meet Our Guest Cindy Adem is a 27-year...

Quality Education

The Impact Space Academy trains the youth on relevant 4IR skills for the future of work, both offline and online.  Give A Young Person a Skill: Training Resources Learning Supplies Career Development Mentorship Support

Support Impact Space Programs

At Impact Space we do all it takes to ensure that disadvantaged youth in impoverished neighborhoods have a chance to succeed in life Help Make A Difference: Counseling Education Platform Community Programs Research & Development

Impact Africa Podcast Episode #4

The use of the space technology is touted to hold great advantages for Africa. In this episode of Impact Africa podcast, Ruvimbo Samanga shares how space technology will help Africa achieve the future it hopes for. MEET OUR GUEST Ruvimbo Samanga is a space Law & Policy Analyst | Research Fellow at Open Lunar Foundation...

Host A Fundraiser on Facebook

Host A Fundraiser on Facebook Leverage the power of your network to support the wellbeing of kids and youth in need. Visit the Impact Space page on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fund/Impact Spaceonline Complete the fundraising goal form and submit to start a campaign Alternatively visit our facebook  page at https://facebook.com/Impact Space online and Click the “raise money”...

Help Fundraise Via Paypal Giving Fund

Support Impact Space on PayPal Giving Network Make a difference. Support the well-being of disadvantaged young people in Africa by donating to Impact Space on PayPal Giving Fund or Fundraiser hub Visit the Impact Space Page on PayPal Giving Fund Donate with PayPal Giving Fund Simply Enter the amount to to donate Alternatively you can...