Building a Better Future
From the Impact Desk

Impact Africa Podcast Series Episode #8

Hi there! Welcome to Episode #8 of Impact Africa. Today, we dive into the state of Agribusinesses in Africa and the potential for the youth.

The average African farm performs at only about 40% of its potential.. Yet African agriculture also has the greatest promise: a growing population, vibrant markets and half the world’s uncultivated arable land. Kwame Awagah, founder Arkel Consult and Management Services (ACMS) Limited proffer a lot of ideas to solving this problem



As an Economist and Financial Analyst, Martin’s professional concentration for the past 10 years has been on economic research, governance, public policy, international development, financial analysis and project management.

Prior to managing his own Company, Arkel Consult and Management Services (ACMS) Limited, which has offices and operations in the Caribbean and Ghana, West Africa, he spent 5 years working in Ghana’s Ministry of Finance on public financial management issues, which led to the introduction and substantial payment of salary and pension arrears to public service sector workers. During this time, he also supported and achieved the development and implementation process of the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information Systems (GIFMIS) Oracle Budget Module (Hyperion) and assisted in improving inter-ministerial deployment and usage of the system for budgeting and financial analysis purposes. He has worked extensively on the yearly budget projects and programme of ministries, departments and agencies, ensuring that they adhere strictly to the PFM law in the utilization of resources to achieve their desired objectives.

He holds a master’s degree in Economics from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), a bachelor’s degree in Economics from Central University and a certificate in Public Sector Finance Management (PSFM) from the University of Ghana Business School.

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