Building a Better Future
From the Impact Desk

Uplifting the lives of young people and children in impoverished communities in Kenya

|Justus njuki
We’re still counting on more crises as a result of the effects of Covid-19 Pandemic in Kenya. The economic consequences of previous Pandemic containment measures can still be felt especially from the low settlement areas.  Children are hard hit because their parents can’t afford adequate resources to cater for their daily food and suitable clothing. Raising families amidst difficulties in accessing basic necessities is increasingly becoming unbearable in most parts of Kenya “The situation in Kenya is appalling. We have suffered a major blow in our economic growth due to Covid-19 Pandemic that has left many of us jobless. Children are suffering and are staring at a health crisis. You cannot tell what we’ll eat the next day”,Samson Resulumat Impact Space visited the underprivileged families at Githurai 45 in Nairobi and donated food items such as rice, maize flour, sugar and other basic provisions.
As a way of helping young people in Kenya to learn good citizenship while at the same time gaining a sense of fulfillment,Impact Space has organized young volunteers for care missions to help children in need backgrounds. In addition, the organization has adopted a virtual open forum dubbed ‘Wordworks’, where young people discuss among other things, their well-being, Social struggles and psychological related distress. Impact Space Inc. is dedicated to uplifting the lives of young people and children in impoverished communities as all of their programs are aligned with the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

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